Innovative Practive


In Blooming technology, Global Public School takes care the welfare of the students and faculties. Global Public School works for the best outcome and for the successful position. All teachers motivate each and every student with positive attitude to reach successful goal. All teachers enhance the topics with power point presentation for better understanding. In today’s scenario, two separate teachers is allocated for improving the aptitude skills of the students. Students were given practice on the aptitude skills daily. In modern technology, teacher also works for improving the personality development. Different activities and training is practised in personality development for the students. In our school, teachers come forward to improve the personality development of the students.
In the first assembly of every week a new word and its meaning is given by the students and the students frame a sentence with the word. Magic shows are conducted by the students in the assembly. Our teachers give training to the students in many things like art works, glass painting, threading etc. In our school, using abacus method, maths is taught. Vedic maths is also taught. A separate cupboard is provided for every student to keep their books, so that, they need not carry all their books to the school every day. To improve the knowledge of the students, they are allowed to take seminar sessions. In our school, Montessori Method of teaching is followed for the lower classes.
In our school, teachers also follow the lexical method of teaching. With the introduction of new technology, devices including smartphones/tablets and innovative applications have been implemented. Many competitions are conducted to the students to improve their knowledge. In our school, high facilitate internet is used .For teachers and students separate laptop is provided. Reading and writing classes has been conducted to the students daily. In our Global School, science projects involve a creative assembly, display card and construction of a model to show a visual representation of a larger fact. Making a model of the solar system, a house, or of a simple electric circuit is considered as display projects. Display boards are used to enhance the presentation. A computer table can be attached to the display board to make the class more interactive. In our school, the classrooms and labs are air conditioned.
These set of practices mostly features strategies for personalization powered by technology and data.
These set of practices relate to active instructional methods where projects play a large role. The tags leading the pack in this category includes projects such as primary method of learning, interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary methods connecting local and global thinking, service learning, exhibition and real world problem solving. 
 These set of practices is linked to assessment, grading, and systems that measure learning based on competency rather than seat time. The tags most strongly associated with this cluster includes flexible assessment schedule, competency framework and advancement on mastery.
These set of practices supports students’ overall well-being, especially for marginalized students most likely to benefit from integrated supports. The tags with the strongest relationship to this cluster were dialogue circles, family and community sport services, supports for high-poverty and homeless student. These cluster includes socio emotional learning such as commitment whole child.
Teachers explain difficult subject like Physics/Maths/Chemistry through graphical representation of complex equations with the help of smart-boards. For language learning, the cinematographic equipment is an indispensable tool. Teachers play snippets of award-winning films, plays, and speeches of great orators, both in vernacular, English, or the target language to facilitate the skills of listening, speaking, and histrionics.
Imagination brings in the element of entertainment into the classroom. As much as it is loved by students, this technique facilitates their understanding and appreciation of the characters that they read about. From pre-schools to Senior Secondary level, schools are implementing this method as it’s a great source to instil values and ideas in children. Students play the roles of historical stalwarts like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King, or legendary characters like Caesar, Mark Antony, and Charlie Chaplin, to know their values. Students are encouraged to have their own version of the characters they are portraying, and enact them with the context of the present times. Through role play, students also get to learn about various aspects of stage performance – from acting to voice projection – and discover their acting talent. This technique also helps teachers explore creativity and critical thinking in students. Role play is an impactful method to enhance learning that also lends learners opportunity to live the experience through empathy and internalising values.
It is one of the most effective strategies to even up the learning curve of a class. Usually, teachers pair students who are high performers with those students who might be struggling in a subject area. Students are also encouraged to volunteer, or are randomly chosen to take over as the subject teacher. It offers a platform of knowledge sharing among students, besides harbouring healthy competition. The interesting aspect of peer teaching is that students tend to respond more actively when one of them does the mantle of the teacher. The class becomes attentive and interactive in a bid to challenge each other in a constructive manner. With regular peer teaching sessions, students start to develop better grasp of the concepts, display maturity, tend to be more disciplined, and also develop better communication skills.
The play-way lessons are quite popular among students of all grades, and a successful strategy to keep them engaged. If the sessions are carefully designed and smoothly executed by teachers, this method reinforces cognitive knowledge, especially of mathematical and scientific concepts, and vocabulary. Teachers are experimenting various kinds and levels of word and mind games like quiz, puzzle-solving, Scrabble, Sudoku, etc. Games help to seamlessly incorporate subject knowledge with application, and are an answer to productive and smart learning. The game, called Career Quest is designed for students of vocational studies, help them revisit technical concepts as well as provide them training on life skills
Collaboration is an essential life skill in a globalised environment, the driving force of all enterprises. In an educational institution, this skill can best be fostered in the classroom by allowing students to work in groups. Educators are planting the seed of a collaborative mind as early as primary school, where young children are motivated to create, plan, and organise group presentations of stories, skits, or poems. Throughout, teachers help students chalk out their plans, provide them key points, supervise their work, and build team spirit
Our school provides well-furnished lab for science and maths. In all labs there are well equipped instruments. In Science lab we have skeleton, human brain models are available. In maths lab there are many shapes in models and number system in chart.
In our school library, all general knowledge books are available for the students and all the subject authors are arranged in alphabetical order and are available for the students and teachers. For primary classes, story books and magazines are there. Digital panel is used for the rhymes, songs and stories for primary classes.